Ms. Providenci Dietrich MD – Persian cats Thu, 10 Jan 2019 07:55:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ms. Providenci Dietrich MD – 32 32 Variants of the breed Thu, 10 Jan 2019 07:55:36 +0000 Continue readingVariants of the breed]]> The Persian cat, as its name suggests, originated in Persia (modern-day Iran), where it is known as the Shirazi cat. These beautiful long-haired cats are thought to have been introduced into Europe in the 1600s, before spreading to the USA, where they have become an extremely popular pet. With the rise in popularity of cat shows, several variants of the Persian cat have been bred. Read on to find out more.

Selective Breeding

As the Persian cat grew in popularity, breeders tried to refine various features, mainly to impress in the show ring. This selective breeding really took off in the 1950s after a spontaneous mutation in tabby and red Persians produced a “peke-faced” Persian. Although this variant has fallen out of favour because of health issues, outcrossings and selective breeding have given rise to a number of other variants, with their own standard features.

Recognised Persian cat variants

The Himalayan, or Colourpoint Longhair, is a variant derived from cross-breeding Siamese and Persian cats. They show the lovely chocolate or lilac colours of the Siamese with the body type and features of a traditional Persian. The Exotic Shorthair resulted from cross-breeding long-haired Persians with American Shorthairs. Continued mating of cross-bred cats with pure Persians has resulted in a variant with many Persian features, but shorter and more easily manageable coats.

Persian cats have a variety of coat colours. In the show ring, different coat colours are judged in separate colour divisions. Some, like the Chinchilla Longhair, are considered to be Persian variants. This cat has a pure white coat with just a touch of black or silver at the hairtips resulting in a silvery sparkling coat. Blue-green eyes and black “mascara” markings make this variant very distinctive.

Persian Cats in Art Thu, 10 Jan 2019 07:43:22 +0000 Continue readingPersian Cats in Art]]> The elegant flowing coat of the Persian cat has helped this fancy feline find himself as a muse for animal loving painters and photographers the world over. The 19th century portrait titled ‘My Wife’s Lovers’ was recently sold for over $820,000 at auction, and is reportedly the worlds biggest cat painting. The picture belonged to a philanthropist who paid for an artist to immortalise her many Persian and Turkish Angora cats.

Arthur Heyer and ‘Two white Perisan cats looking into a goldfish bowl’

Arthur Heyer was a German-Hungarian painter who loved painted animals (and famously Persian cats) at the turn of last century. He loved to paint Persian and Turkish Angora cats in their natural habitat, and some of his paintings, including the very famous ‘Two white Perisan cats looking into a goldfish bowl’, have been internationally praised. His passion for cats was so strong, that he was nicknamed ‘Cat-Heyer’ by friends and art enthusiasts.

David Hockney’s ‘Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy’

One of David Hockney’s most famous portraits was that of his married designer friends Celia Birtwell and Ossie Clark along with their Persian cat ‘Percy’. The portrait is full of symbolism, and the Persian cat plays his part in the image. Percy the cat does not look at the artist, but instead stares out the window representing the unspoken infidelity and envy that later plagued this marriage.

As the internet has proven to us, humans adore pictures of cats. Persian cats are the epitome of elegance within the cat world. Some of the worlds most important painters have utilized cats as subjects or props in their paintings, and this is especially the case in portraits of children commissioned in the 19th century. These glamourous felines reign supreme as the most popular choice for animal artists.

How to feed Persian cats correctly Wed, 09 Jan 2019 07:56:19 +0000 Continue readingHow to feed Persian cats correctly]]> Persian cats are adorable and a real treasure. This breed originated in Persia, which is modern day Iran. Over the years, this breed has been cross-bred resulting in different unique Persian breeds today. However, the main characteristics and features of this breed include; a round flat face and a long flowing coat. This amazing cat breed is docile and dignified and also exhibits a quiet and calm demeanour.

Persian Cats Health

Before we jump into how to feed a Persian cat correctly, you should know that this breed has some conditions that you should be aware of. These conditions are inherent and affect the skull structure of these cats. The major condition in regards to feeding is dental malocclusions. Due to the constricted skull structure, the jaws and particularly the teeth, do not mesh well together.

How to Feed Persian Cats Correctly

As with any other cat breed, the Persian cat requires a balanced diet and ultimate care and choice of food should be given top priority. If Persians are fed the wrong diet, it can result in health issues. This Persian breed is a picky eater mainly due to their dental issue. Being a pedigree and indoor cat, it is also wise to measure their food correctly to eliminate weight issues.

Having said that, it’s time to look at how to feed Persian cats correctly. There are dry and wet feeds for cats but there are no specific brands for Persian cat foods. It’s advisable to monitor your cat to make sure that no health problems occur. Also, make sure that the particles are not too small. Best feeds include; Royal Canin Persian food for long haired cats and Blue Freedom cat food.

How to choose a Persian kitten? Wed, 09 Jan 2019 07:13:06 +0000 Continue readingHow to choose a Persian kitten?]]> When you decide to choose a Persian kitten for your family, there are certain factors to consider. The Persian cat’s fluffy coat and quirky expressions have made him a popular family pet all over the world. Due to this popularity however, some unscrupulous breeders have tried to capitalise on the profits to be made, and the breed now often suffers deformities and health issues.

Health issues associated with Persian cats

Persian cats, much like other flat-faced, domestic pets such as bulldogs, have been bred with certain physical characteristics, such as flat faces and small legs which puts them at a heightened risk for many serious health problems; this should not be underestimated. Careful selection is imperative as Persian cats potentially face a high risk of developing breathing problems, kidney issues, and bulging and weeping eyes.

How to choose the right kitten for you

The most important thing to look for when you decide to buy a Persian kitten is a responsible breeder that places producing healthy kittens as their number one priority. You should grill the breeder with lots of questions, and ensure the parents have been tested for two key diseases – feline leukemia and Polycystic Kidney Disease. Both these hereditary conditions are rife in Persian cats, and are fatal.

When choosing a kitten, personality is the next most important factor to consider. Personality is a combination of two factors: Genetics and Socialisation. Kittens that have parents with bad temperaments have a very high chance of turning out just like them. Find out the temperaments of both parents of your future kitten, and ensure that he, or she, has been well socialised, and exposed to noises, kids, other animals and people.

About Persian Cats Tue, 08 Jan 2019 14:24:59 +0000 Continue readingAbout Persian Cats]]> Persian cats are one of the most glamorous and calm natured breeds of cat in the world. Brought to Europe most probably by an Italian nobleman in the 1600’s, the breed became a cult icon of elegance amongst the nobles of 19th century Europe, who found the exotic history and unusual longhair of the Persian cat fascinating. The Persian remains popular today, and is one of Americas top ten breeds of cat.

Fifty shades of Persian

The Persian cat comes in a dazzling assortment of tones and colours. The most famous cats are generally those with iconic flowing white hair (think Mr Biggleworth), but Persian cats also come in many other interesting tones like silver, black and white champagne and orange. There are two varieties of small Persians (Teacup and Toy Persians), and two derivatives of the breed, the Himalayan and the Chinchilla Longhair.

Flat-Faced Felines

The Persian’s most distinctive feature after their coat, is their chubby, flat face. The Persian cat did not always have the pushed in muzzle, but in the 1950’s a batch of kittens was born with this feature. The breeders of the time liked it so much, that they selectively bred their cats to look like this. The traditional Persian with a pointed nose is called the ‘doll-face’ Persian.

Persian cats are popular with cat enthusiasts for much more than their unique appearances. They are known as easy-going and loving cats, that adore attention and pampering. They are entertaining felines, and love to spend time with their human families. Their sweet and loyal nature makes them an ideal family pet, but potential owners should remember to do their research and ensure that they buy a kitten from a responsible breeder.

Persian cats health Tue, 08 Jan 2019 14:16:13 +0000 Continue readingPersian cats health]]> The beautiful long-haired Persian cat with its round face and short muzzle is a popular pet. When properly cared for these cats can live for at least 10-12 years, with average lifespans ranging from 12-17 years. However, there are a number of health issues that Persian cats are particularly susceptible to. Carry on reading to find out more about their most common health problems and how best to care for your cat.

Common Health Issues

Due to the shape of their head and face, the modern brachycephalic, or flat-faced Persian cat, is particularly susceptible to breathing problems. Eye problems are also common. Some, such as malformed tear ducts that cause tears to overflow down the face, are merely cosmetic, but others like entropion, or the in-growing of eyelids, can cause serious problems. The unusual head shape can also cause problems during labour, often leading to stillbirths.

Other Health Issues and the Care of your Cat

Persian cats are prone to various hereditary diseases. Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) and the related autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) are particularly common, affecting up to 50% of all Persian cats. Afflicted cats usually suffer kidney failure at around 7 years of age. However, as with all cats, Persians can also be affected by heart diseases, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), degenerative eye conditions and skin cancers.

Caring for your cat should include frequent checks of skin and eyes and regular vet check-ups. Flat-faced Persians can find it hard to pick up food. The resulting poor diet could lead to health issues. However, many pet food manufacturer’s have designed specially shaped kibble to combat this. More importantly, most breeders now use DNA testing to screen out hereditary diseases from their breeding lines, eliminating the worry for owners.

Development of the breed Thu, 20 Dec 2018 10:53:59 +0000 Continue readingDevelopment of the breed]]> Thе Pеrsian is thе most popular pеdigrееd cat in North Amеrica. Thе Pеrsian comеs in two typеs: show and traditional. Thе show Pеrsian has a round hеad еnhancеd with a thick ruff, small еars, a flat nosе, big round coppеr еyеs, a broad, short body and flowing plumе of a tail. Thе traditional Pеrsian, doеs not havе thе еxtrеmе fеaturеs of thе show Pеrsian, and his nosе is a normal lеngth.

History of Pеrsian cat

Thе Pеrsian is an old brееd with mystеrious origins. Thеy havе bееn popular sincе еarly Victorian timеs, and probably еarliеr. Thеir еxact origin is unclеar, but historical paintings and writings havе firmly еstablishеd thеm as onе of thе oldеst fеlinе brееds. Pеrsians probably dеscеnd from long-hairеd cats brought from Pеrsia (now Iran) to Еuropе in thе 1600s by way of ships on trading routеs.

Breeding Development

The еarliеst Pеrsians to arrivе in Еuropе and thе U.S wеrе thosе that wеrе purе whitе, with piеrcing bluе еyеs. Thеsе arе thought to havе comе from Turkеy to Francе in the 1500s. Latеr, aftеr crossing purе whitе Pеrsians with Crеam, Bluе and Black Pеrsians, thе whitе variеty also dеvеlopеd vivid orangе еyеs. Thosе cats lackеd thе gеnеtic prеdisposition to dеafnеss that еxistеd – and still еxists – in thе bluе-еyеd whitе variеty.

Camеo Pеrsians cats wеrе dеvеlopеd in thе Unitеd Statеs, Nеw Zеaland and Australia in thе 1950s and 1960s. Thе first rеportеd Camеo Pеrsian in Еuropе was brеd shortly thеrеaftеr in 1962, in Holland. Thе Bluе Tabby was grantеd rеcognition in Amеrica in 1962, but has only achiеvеd limitеd rеcognition in Britain. Thе Bi-colorеd Pеrsian was not rеcognisеd for championship status in Grеat Britain until 1966.
